Donka Dimitrova

Donka Ivanova Dimitrova was born on the 1st of April 1948. She's been working as a pharmacist for more than 40 years . She has a loving family - a son and a daughter, as well as two twin grandsons.


On December 2016, while working, Donka suffers from two sequacious strokes – Ischemic and Hemorrhagic. They leave her right side paralyzed/hemiplegia/, and she also loses her ability to communicate properly/aphasia/. Years of recovery follow with a team of rehabilitators. Much progess has been made in motorics and Donka could almost walk on her own.


Unfortunately, the aphasia remains persistent. Although she can't communicate verbally or in written form, her intellectual and recollection abilities remain in tact. Sessions and exercises with a speech therapist do not contribute much towards recovery.

Art & Music Therapy

On January 2018, Donka starts having art therapy sessions with a certified arth therapist – Evgenia Marincheva. All artworks were made during these sessions. During some classes Donka even started trying to communicate verbally. The music therapist Rositsa Nikolova also joins the team in the path to recovery.

The way ahead

An exhibition with tens of artworks was hosted to support the cause.
The calendar with 12 selected artworks was created by and with the love and helo from family and friends - all of us believing that love, unity and art are a stronger and more efficient remedy than anything else!

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