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Donka Dimitrova's selected drawing calendar is printed by the family, art therapist, and many close friends, who support the idea that love, unity and art are treating stroke faster and more effectively than any other therapies in the world!
With the funds raised by the sale of paintings and calendars, the family and adherents decided to organize a non-profit association called "Association for Stroke and Aphasia" (ASA) which is to become a satellite organization in Bulgaria of the World Stroke Organization (WSO).

To empower stroke survivors and their families to overcome the challenges of life after stroke

The vision of the Bulgarian Association for Stroke and Aphasia is to reach out to stroke survivors and their families across Bulgaria and empower them to reclaim hope for life after stroke


  • Provide learning opportunities for stroke survivors that stimulate their physical, educational, and emotional growth
  • Create an environment for stroke survivors that enriches their lives and the lives of their caregivers and promotes living a full life after stroke
  • Foster an atmosphere where stroke survivors, staff, and caregivers can interact in a positive, progressive environment of mutual respect
  • Act with integrity when striving to meet any goal

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